Velloza provides link for Dubai – Brazil investment

24 . 09 . 2010

Fonte: Latin Lawyer

by Marieke Breijer

Dubai’s Foreign Investment Office is expanding its associations in Latin America with the signing of Velloza, Girotto e Lindenbojm Advogados Associados SC as its Brazilian representative.

Dubai’s Foreign Investment Office is expanding its associations in Latin America with the signing of Velloza, Girotto e Lindenbojm Advogados Associados SC as its Brazilian representative.

“It is a very good opportunity to refer Brazilian companies to invest there and to help Dubai investors to come to Brazil to buy land or establish companies,” says Velloza Girotto partner Cesar Amendolara.

Talks between the firm and the FIO started in April, after Velloza Girotto was invited to a summit in Qatar held by the Gulf Latin American Leaders Council, an organisation that promotes economic integration between the regions.
“We showed the FIO that we have a lot of experience in providing legal and tax planning advise to foreign companies, banks and institutions,” he says, adding that he expects an increased flow of trade and investment between the regions to follow from the agreement, which was signed last month.
The demand for Brazil’s farmland exports as well as the potential for direct investment by other Middle Eastern countries into Brazil’s were the main reasons behind the firm’s decision to enter the agreement.

“We are already working on structures for investors in Brazil’s agricultural sector but in time we expect more of the Arabs to acquire companies or invest in this sector,” says Amendolara.

The announcement came in the same month as the FIO’s association with Argentine firm Gonzalez & Ferraro Mila was confirmed, and Amendolara expects more links between Dubai and Latin America to follow. 
“In the delegation in Dubai there were a lot of Chilean businessmen from various sectors of the economy,” he says. “I think they will establish some kind of agreement with them.”