IBA Latin American Regional Forum Training Course for Young Lawyers

13/03/2017 em Imprensa

A new generation of Latin American cross-border agreements and standard contractual clauses: what are they and why are they needed?

março de 2017

Dr. Cesar Amendolara representará o V&G em dois painéis durante o Congresso  “Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America: New opportunities in a changing scenario”  esta semana em Buenos Aires.

In recent years many Latin American markets have benefited from a booming economic growth, with increasing commerce. In this context, certain standard clauses are frequently included while drafting cross-border agreements. To avoid future headaches, never simply ‘copy and paste’ such clauses, but carefully consider what they establish. This panel will discuss the most commonly used clauses in Latin American cross-border agreements and their effects on parties’ future relationship.

Session Chair
Mariano Batalla Batalla Salto Luna, San Jose; Website and Communications Officer, IBA Law Firm Management Committee

Cesar Amendolara Velloza & Girotto, São Paulo
Rafael Boisset  Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uria, Lima
Jacobo Cohen Imach Vice-President General Counsel – Government Relations, MercadoLibre.com, Buenos Aires Guadalupe Diaz-Sunico Cuatrecasas, Barcelona
Hermann J Knott Luther, Cologne
Juan Manuel Marchan Perez Bustamante & Ponce, Quito
Francisco R Tassi Bullo Abogados, Buenos Aires

Velloza Advogados |



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