
China Desk

We have expertise is assisting foreign clients investing in Brazil, as well as local clients investing abroad, including Chinese companies and individuals.

As far as China is concerned, Brazil is one of China’s main trading partners and it has a diversity of products, services and cultures that fosters foreign investments in a wide range of sectors of the economy. Taking that into consideration and also given the most recent Chinese foreign investment policies that lead to an increased inflow of Chinese direct investments in our country, we formed a China Desk to better assist our Chinese clients.

Velloza’s China Desk is composed of experienced professionals in the corporate, tax and real estate practices, including some with Chinese background and thus acquainted with Chinese culture and fluent in Mandarin.

Through our China Desk we have been assisting many Chinese clients in Brazil, including the main Chinese financial institutions that operate in our country, and also companies in many different sectors of the economy like telecommunications and ride-hailing.

By having joined CCG, the “China Collaborative Group” (, as the exclusive Brazilian law firm in the group, we were able to boost our activities at our China Desk.

CCG is an association made up of business and legal advisors who work together to provide clients with smart corporate solutions that effectively facilitate cross-border activities and all their related aspects. CCG helps business decision-makers succeed in carrying out cross-border deals under China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative and other global economic platforms.

More about our China Desk team:

Cesar Amendolara

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