
Civil Litigation and Arbitration

The civil litigation and arbitration area of Velloza Advogados acts at all levels of the judiciary and arbitral tribunals in a wide array of matters, including civil and contractual liability, real estate law, credit recovery, reorganization, bankruptcy, intellectual property, business law, consumer law and capital markets.

Through one-on-one interaction, the specialized services of our practice team ensure the highest standards of representation in cases of extreme complexity and with recognized success in the pursuit of client interests.

As a business-minded firm we will spare no effort to understand a client’s operations and the dispute or transactional setting to which they gave rise to ensure the provision of clear, precise and thorough advice for scenario evaluation and fast decision making.

Also comprised in this practice area are advisory services to (i) family companies and their members in matters of family law and succession, whether in the context of a lawsuit or in the prevention or settlement of litigation, making recommendations, in each case, for the most appropriate approach available to safeguard client interests; and (ii) individuals in divorce and dissolution of stable union, alteration of property regime, execution of wills and related matters.

The reach of the firm’s operation is nationwide through branches in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, in addition to selected correspondent firms in different locations.

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